Digital Garden - What is it and the use of Obsidian

For a while I jotted down my thoughts in Google Keep and documented my home IT projects in Google Docs. And every now and then I share my knowledge on the internet. Today I use Obsidian and markdown. I am saying goodbye to Google, which I should have done much earlier.

Digital Garden

I once tried to set up a blog and share my knowledge and experience that way. But that didn’t work for me. Because I now work with Obsidian, I started looking for the possibility to ‘publish’ my notes and to share information in an accessible and dynamic way. Publishing notes turned out to be possible via Obsidian Publish. Unfortunately, the price was (much) too high for me. So then I started looking for alternatives.

During this search I came across the term ‘Digital Garden’ and after some research it turned out to be a match! I found this article from MIT Technology Review. It was very recognizable to me on a number of points. I quote:

Beneath the umbrella term, however, digital gardens don’t follow rules.

“With blogging, you’re talking to a large audience,” 
 “With digital gardening, you’re talking to yourself. You focus on what you want to cultivate over time.”

What they (the notes) have in common is that they can be edited at any time to reflect evolution and change. The idea is similar to editing a Wikipedia entry, though digital gardens are not meant to be the ultimate word on a topic.

So then it was time to set up a digital garden.

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