Netlify - Setup with GitHub

Here I describe the setup of Netlify Static Website Hosting in combination with GitHub.

I tried Netlify in combination with my Digital Garden on GitHub. But in the end I chose Cloudflare Pages. Below are the steps I followed for Netlify.

At first I literally followed the steps as described by Maxime Vaillancourt:

  1. Log in to Netlify
  2. Once logged in, click the New site from Git button
  3. On the next page, select GitHub as the continuous deployment provider (you may need to authorize the connection, in which case, approve it)
  4. On the next page, select your digital garden repository from the list
  5. On the next page, keep the default settings, and click on Deploy site.

Then under Site Settings I changed the name of the site to fictionbecomesfact After the website has been deployed, it can be accessed via:

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