Grafana container setup
Using Grafana, you can craft stunning dashboards. For instance, I leverage it to visualize data from Home Assistant sensors. In my setup, I’ve configured data sources for both MariaDB and InfluxDB.
Create the folders needed by the container
Run the following commands inside your home folder:
# Open your terminal applicationcd ~mkdir -p grafana/datacd grafana -
Create the script needed to run the container
Save the following script as # To create this script use your text editor application, for example NanoIDu=$(id -u $(logname)) # Saves the logged in user id in the IDu variabledocker run -d \--user $IDu \--name=grafana \--hostname=grafana \-p 3000:3000 \-v $PWD/data:/var/lib/grafana \-e GF_ANALYTICS_REPORTING_ENABLED=false \-e GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=grafana-clock-panel,grafana-simple-json-datasource,grafana-googlesheets-datasource \-e TZ=Europe/Amsterdam \--restart unless-stopped \grafana/grafana# IMPORTANT: Please read the instructions belowInstructions:
- Optional Replace
if needed - Required Replace port number
(on the left side of:
) with a port number that is available if needed. - Optional Replace
with the location of your data if needed. This can be a fileserver mount - Optional Remove
if you want to enable analytics - Optional Change
-e GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=grafana-clock-panel,grafana-simple-json-datasource,grafana-googlesheets-datasource
to add or remove plugins you want to install - Required Replace
with your own timezone
- Optional Replace
Run the script to create the container
Run the following command:
# Open your terminal applicationsudo sh grafana_run.shThe image
is automatically pulled and the container is created. -
Check the results
If needed you can check if the container is running properly.
Now you can log into Grafana with username
and passwordadmin
by opening a web browser and going to:http://localhost:3000
. Replace localhost with the relevant IP address or FQDN if needed, and adjust the port if you changed it earlier.The next steps would be:
- Change the password
- Configure your data sources
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