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Guacamole on NixOS setup


Guacamole on NixOS allows you to access your desktop environment and terminal via a web browser, supporting protocols like VNC, RDP, and SSH.


  1. Add the RDP settings to configuration.nix

    # To edit use your text editor application, for example Nano
    services.xserver.enable = true;
    services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.enable = true;
    services.xserver.desktopManager.plasma5.enable = true;
    services.xrdp.enable = true;
    services.xrdp.defaultWindowManager = "startplasma-x11";
    services.xrdp.openFirewall = true;
  2. Then add the Guacamole settings

    # To edit use your text editor application, for example Nano
    services.guacamole-server = {
    enable = true;
    host = "";
    userMappingXml = ./guacamole/user-mapping.xml;
    # package = pkgs.unstable.guacamole-server; # Optional, use only when you want to use the unstable channel
    services.guacamole-client = {
    enable = true;
    enableWebserver = true;
    settings = {
    guacd-port = 4822;
    guacd-hostname = "";
    # package = pkgs.unstable.guacamole-client; # Optional, use only when you want to use the unstable channel

    In this case I am using the Guacamole package from the default channel. But you can also use a newer version from the unstable channel (if available).

  3. Switch NixOS configuration

    Now you can switch to the new NixOS configuration. Run the following command:

    # Open your terminal application
    sudo nix-collect-garbage # Optional: clean up
    sudo nixos-rebuild switch
  4. Create the user-mapping.xml

    You need to enter the user information with which you can log in to Guacamole. And also the connections you want to use to connect to NixOS.

    # Open your terminal application
    echo -n <password> | openssl dgst -sha256
    # Or use:
    # echo -n <password> > file.txt
    # sha256sum file.txt
    • Required Replace <password> with your password, which will be used to log in to Guacamole

    Remember the result (the hash after =).

  5. Create the guacamole folder

    # Open your terminal application
    sudo mkdir -p /etc/nixos/guacamole
  6. Add the following to /etc/nixos/guacamole/user-mapping.xml

    # To edit use your text editor application, for example Nano
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- User using SHA-256 to hash the password -->
    password="<sha256 hash>"
    <connection name="NixOS Server SSH">
    <param name="hostname"></param>
    <param name="port">22</param>
    <connection name="NixOS Server RDP">
    <param name="hostname"></param>
    <param name="port">3389</param>
    <param name="ignore-cert">true</param>
    # IMPORTANT: Please read the instructions below
    • Required Replace <username> with your username, which will be used to log in to Guacamole
    • Required Replace <sha256 hash> with the sha256 hash generated earlier (step 4)
  7. Check the results

    Now you can browse to Cockpit by opening a web browser and going to: http://localhost:8080/guacamole. Replace localhost with the relevant IP address or FQDN if needed, and adjust the port if you changed it earlier.

    Then log in with your username and password. The result:



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