phpMyAdmin NixOS container setup
phpMyAdmin is a free web-based software tool designed to manage and administer MariaDB. It provides a user-friendly interface for various database management tasks, making it easier to work with MariaDB databases.
Add virtualisation to
and the import to a seperate nix file for the container toconfiguration.nix
:/etc/nixos/configuration.nix # To edit use your text editor application, for example Nanovirtualisation = {podman = {enable = true;dockerCompat = true; # Create a `docker` alias for podman, to use it as a drop-in replacementdefaultNetwork.settings.dns_enabled = true; # release 23.05};oci-containers = {backend = "podman";containers = {phpmyadmin = import ./containers/phpmyadmin.nix;};};}; -
Add the macvlan network to
The container will use a macvlan network (
) with a dedicated IP address. Add the following toconfiguration.nix
:/etc/nixos/configuration.nix # To edit use your text editor application, for example = with config.virtualisation.oci-containers; {serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";wantedBy = [ "${backend}-phpmyadmin.service" ];script = ''${pkgs.podman}/bin/podman network exists net_macvlan || \ ${pkgs.podman}/bin/podman network create --driver=macvlan --gateway= --subnet= -o parent=ens18 net_macvlan'';};# IMPORTANT: Please read the instructions belowInstructions:
- Required Replace
with your gateway IP address - Required Replace
with your subnet - Required Replace
with the name of own network interface
- Required Replace
Add a script to create folders to
Make sure the folders for use with the container are created by adding the following to
:/etc/nixos/configuration.nix # To edit use your text editor application, for example Nanosystem.activationScripts = {script.text = ''install -d -m 755 /home/<username>/phpmyadmin -o root -g roottest -f /home/<username>/phpmyadmin/ || echo -e "<?php\n\n\$cfg['ShowPhpInfo'] = true; // Adds a link to phpinfo() on the home page\n\$cfg['SendErrorReports'] = 'never';" > /home/<username>/phpmyadmin/'';};# IMPORTANT: Please read the instructions belowInstructions:
- Required Replace
with your NixOS username - Optional The setting
$cfg['ShowPhpInfo'] = true
is used as example entry in
. You can remove this entry or adjust it tofalse
- Optional You can remove the setting
$cfg['SendErrorReports'] = 'never'
or adjust it toask
- Required Replace
Create the containers folder
Run the following command:
# Open your terminal applicationmkdir -p /etc/nixos/containers # Make sure the directory exists -
Add the container configuration to
Add the following to
:/etc/nixos/containers/phpmyadmin.nix # To edit use your text editor application, for example Nano{image = "phpmyadmin:latest";environment = {"TZ" = "Europe/Amsterdam";"MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" = "<password>";"PMA_HOST" = "<DB IP address>";"PMA_ABSOLUTE_URI" = "";"UPLOAD_LIMIT" = "10M";};volumes = ["/home/<username>/phpmyadmin/"];extraOptions = ["--pull=newer" # Pull if the image on the registry is newer than the one in the local containers storage"--name=phpmyadmin""--hostname=phpmyadmin""--network=net_macvlan""--ip=<IP address>""--mac-address=<MAC address>"];dependsOn = [ "mariadb" ];}# IMPORTANT: Please read the instructions belowInstructions:
- Required Replace
with your own timezone - Required Replace
with your MariaDB root password - Required Replace
<DB IP address>
with the IP address of your database instance, for example MariaDB - Optional Replace
with your domain name. Only needed when running a reverse proxy - Optional Replace
with the upload limit. The default value is 2048K. I always set it a little higher so that I can import SQL files without problems - Required Replace
with your NixOS username - Optional Replace
if you do not want the image to be automatically replaced by new versions - Optional Replace
with the name of your macvlan network if needed - Required Replace
<IP address>
with the IP address of this container. Make sure it is within the range of the macvlan network - Required Replace
<MAC address>
a (randomly generated) MAC address. Otherwise, every time the container is started, a new mac address will be used, which for example will be created as a new device within the Unifi Network Application. Or temporarily disable this option, and add the MAC address that is generated the first time when this container is started. Use inspect to get the MAC address if needed:sudo podman inspect <container name> |grep MacAddress|tr -d ' ,"'|sort -u
- Optional The setting
dependsOn = [ "mariadb" ];
is added because this container depends on the MariaDB NixOS container
- Required Replace
Switch NixOS configuration
Now you can switch to the new configuration within NixOS, the image will be downloaded and the container will be created:
Run the following command:
# Open your terminal applicationsudo nix-collect-garbage # Optional: clean upsudo nixos-rebuild switch -
Check the results
Run the following command to check if the container is working properly:
# Open your terminal applicationjournalctl -u podman-phpmyadmin.serviceNow you can browse to the phpMyAdmin web interface by opening a web browser and going to:
. Replace localhost with the relevant IP address or FQDN if needed, and adjust the port if you changed it earlier.
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