A new website - Jekyll to Astro Starlight migration
The website has been updated and I have chosen to replace Jekyll with Astro Starlight.
The website has been updated and I have chosen to replace Jekyll with Astro Starlight.
Using Syncthing to sync markdown notes.
Creating an n8n flow to receive parsed P1 reader data from Smartmeter2mqtt and save it to QuestDB, which can then be used as a data source for tools like Grafana or Budibase.
n8n is a workflow automation platform enabling you to connect anything to everything.
Setting up a web service using the Apache Hop Server.
The Hop GUI enables you to run pipelines or workflows remotely using the Hop Server.
Setting up a long-lived Apache Hop server container to experiment with.
Using the Node-RED request node to access the InfluxDB API.
Keeping files synchronized across multiple devices with Syncthing.
Using the markdown and MDX syntax for my notes.
Setting up the Node-RED container with authentication and Home Assistant nodes.
My static website generator workflow.
Making a WebDAV backup to Stack with Hyperbackup.
Searching for static website hosting.
A tiny container running WebDAV to create, change and move documents on a server.
In 2021, I switched from Google to Proton to take control of my data. By 2024, I revamped this website using Astro Starlight and now write notes in MDX format with Visual Studio Code.